
Showing posts from January, 2015

'So what if I celebrate it standin' on a corner'

The State of the Union? Its been a bit of a couple of weeks of politics here, the UK Prime Minister was over last week and Tuesday was the ‘State of the Union’ address. This the the president's annual opportunity to set out in Congress how America is getting on and what his legislative programme is going to look like for the next year.  It looks very different to the Queen’s Speech but I guess the point is the same.  Some of the differences are in the aesthetics.  In the States the room is has a vibrant blue carpet and the seats are blue and yellow.  It is very different from the burgundy leather of the House of Lords .  Those present on the floor are in colourful ties and outfits, I always feel in Westminster it has a bit ‘men in grey suits’ look about it.  Those in the gallery are equally as bright, some in smart suits and others in bomber jackets, often marking out prior military service.  It's just a bit less formal than we are used to in national pol

What the fox say?

Metro disaster Washington suffered a real disaster this week.  The city runs on a great Metro system but unfortunately a couple of days ago there was an incident on one of the lines and a train filed with smoke in the tunnel.  I can only imagine the fear and panic as Washingtonians feared the worst.  Passengers had to walk along the line before many were taken to hospital, where one lady died.  The TV covered this incident well but I, like many, was left reflecting on what might have happened.  The TV coverage showed the FBI and the Department for Homeland Security at the scene.  This led many viewers to think something sinister had occurred.  Thankfully that was not the case; this was just a tragic accident.  Nevertheless, the response reminded me that we are fairly safe in this city and when we are not, there are many who are both ready and wiling to offer protection to those who call this city home. This is a line and station I frequently use and I'd be lying if I

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Save for the great Ghillie Brogues ‘Good New Year Malta Tour' of 1991, this was the first time I’ve been outside Scotland for New Year.  Like so many things its the same but a bit different.  Whilst we wait for Big Ben to chime or the Balmoral Clock to strike midnight, in America they like to watch a ball drop.  New York has a ball that goes down at 12, whilst other states like to drop their particular fruit down at the bells.  In Orlando it’s an orange whilst in Georgia its a peach .  To be fair, these are citrus fruits likely to slide down a pole easily, I imagine the great Scottish neep would stick a bit, so best for us to await the chime.   Despite, and actually in part because of falling fruit, it was a great New Year here, however, I heard one piece of advice I never thought I’d hear and certainly wouldn’t want to ever have to give. That being “don’t shoot guns into the air to celebrate” .  Yup guns again!  The advice in Florida was not t