The big adventure is about to start!


I'm Richie and I am a Scottish police officer.  I am also a Fulbright Scholar.

Fulbright is a study exchange programme which allows British students and professionals the opportunity to study in the USA and offers American citizens the chance to study here.  I have been really fortunate in gaining this opportunity, and it is one I am very much looking forward to.

This photo is this years group of Fulbrighters and was taken when we were being entertained at the  American Ambassadors home in London earlier this year.  They are a great bunch of people and have a really diverse range of interests from medicine, science and engineering to poetry and, of course, policing.

My studies relate to ethical decision making within the police service and how that may vary between rural and urban police forces in the States. To find out if that is the case, I am about to head over to Washington DC, where I will be based for the next five and a half months.  I'll be working at George Mason University and living in Fairfax, Virginia, which is about 30 minutes, by train,  from central DC.

Getting to this point has been manic, I've had to rent an apartment, without seeing it first, rent furniture to go into it, sort out electric, gas and cable as well as thinking about what it is I am actually going there to do!

Amongst all of that I've been having lots of thoughts about what I will miss when I'm away.  Top of that list is my family.  It will be really hard being without then for so long.  The good news is they are joining me at Christmas, the bad news is it, it will be seven weeks until they arrive.  That, as far as I can tell, is the only downside of this great opportunity!

I wanted to keep a record of my experience and to share that with anyone who may be interested in having a look.  

So if you have just dropped by, welcome, I hope you enjoy reading about my experiences.


  1. Hope you have a great time. I certainly did when a Fulbright at UCSD in 1997

    Alastair (GHS 1975-88)


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