Be careful out there...

Police Murders 

Now, there is nobody who can argue America has policing absolutely sussed, and having looked at a number of services here, I think there is much the service in the States can do to improve.  I also think the majority of officers do all they can to do a good job in trying circumstances in a land where there is a genuine concern that the next person one deals with may have a gun and be prepared to use it.  So with this in mind, it was greatly concerning this week to hear that two cops in New York had been assassinated simply for being cops.  Assassinated.  There is no other word for it.  Nothing can justify that or be offered in mitigation.  This was simply two guys murdered because of what they did for a living.  Reflect on that for a minute.  Just two guys murdered at their work.  We would be outraged it they were doctors, teachers or plumbers. The big worry for many is that this may be the start of something more sinister with the return to darker days a real fear.

I hope the American commentators and media start to better balance their coverage of policing in America to reflect the good work the majority of officers do, that alone may prevent further tragedies like this.

Free speech…?

I guess one of the biggest bit of news this side of the cinema queue this week is the furore that’s going on around the “Interview”.  I’m guessing most of you know this is a film about two TV producers who manage to obtain an interview with Kim Jong-un, the ‘Supreme Leader’ of North Korea.  The producers are then contacted with the FBI who ask the TV guys to kill Kim Jong-un.  

Now for my two pence worth, I think this is a pretty poor plot for a film; making a comedy out of trying to murder a world leader and not just any world leader, but one your country is not too keen on anyway, is in my view, a bit tasteless.  I also don't think it would have taken a genius to work out the North Koreans, who don't like America anyway might have been less than chuffed about it and possibly would have done something about it...they are not a nation with a leadership renowned for laughing at themselves!  None of us have sen the film but I have seen the trailers and it strikes me the “Interview” is more  toward the “Dumb and Dumber” end of film comedy rather than the cutting edge satire of “The Great Dictator”.  

As I say, none of us is getting to se this yet as Sony, the makers have been hacked.  This has turned what seems to be a pretty poor film into a cause celebre in the States and it goes back the the point I made last time about America loving the Constitution.  There has been much made of this this week and a real concern has arisen that North Korea appears to be holding the First Amendment hostage.

In the past, there have been films and TV shows where China has been the bad guy or Russia appears as the bogey man, I am also quite sure these nations made films where the Americans were cast in the role of the evil do-er.  This went on and, frankly, nobody cared probably because their leaders could see the bigger picture (so to speak!) as these nations were and remain active trading partners and that was worth more than falling out over a film.  This is not the case here and, as seems increasingly likely, the North Koreans have taken massive and, again in my view, completely disproportionate umbrage at the US.  They have hacked Sony and threatened film goers.  Really out of order.  America thinks this too and there are calls for action.  Now here’s the thing: what action can a state take against another state with whom it has no diplomatic relationship, does not trade with and who has nukes pointing at both its own land and that of its allies?  This is the position America finds itself in this week and it is one that is really exorcising government, commentators and citizens.  

I have no idea how this issue, that was sparked by what appears to be a poor film in poor taste, but it is a reminder, I think, that free speech is sometimes far from free…even in the US.

Where everybody knows your name…

I went for a quiet beer last Thursday and got to thinking how different bar culture is here than in Scotland.  For a start, nobody stands at the bar.  Rather the bar is surrounded by high chairs and those who want to be near the bar get to sit.  This sounds a bit unimportant, but it really does change the atmosphere of a place.  Rather than having a large group hanging around the bar, something the Diggers welcomes, this set up doesn’t really allow for that.  Groups have to grab a table elsewhere and the bar becomes the preserve of the solo drinker or couples.  I wonder if this is the reason that women seem more comfy coming out for a drink on their own.  Last Thursday I got chatting to a lady, who was around 70, who had just popped into my wee US local, Glory Days. for a swift half whilst here husband was getting the car, after they had done their shopping at the Safeway next door.  Perhaps she had ha enough of coffee and needed a wee pick me up, I simply don’t know.  What I do know is this was not a one off, women nipping on for a quick drink or spot of lunch and sitting at the bar alone is a regular occurrence in the US.  Perhaps its just me, but I’ve never really seen that in the UK, certainly not in the Diggers, and I think the US approach is a good and inclusive one.

The best Christmas present

Talking of being inclusive, the Holiday Season is at a crescendo here. As I’ve mentioned before, America loves to be nice and that is a really good thing, so just now wherever I go, I’m wished ‘happy holidays’.  I don’t think anyone I’ve met has wished me a Merry Christmas,  which I find a bit odd frankly.  It’s just what you're used to I guess, but I miss the overt reference to Christmas.

I got the best Christmas present possible this week.  Rhona, Gregor and Eilidh arrived in the States on Friday.  After so many weeks apart it was great to see them.  My apartment is now our apartment and my efforts to tidy, whist briefly acknowledged by Mrs A have all been for nought as my place has been ransacked…but its a fantastic ransacked untidiness and I’m right chuffed to have them here.  

You say tomato…

Talking of my kids, we were out this week and Eilidh, who is 6 announced she was needing a ‘rest’.  This kind of surprised me as it was early in the day and she didn’t look and nor was she acting tired.  Bur she insisted on a rest.  I looked around and saw a coffee shop and thought we could all get a drink and a seat for a minute.  Upon suggestion she said “no daddy, I need a rest”.  By now, completely stumped, I asked what she meant.  She  told me she was needing a rest in the ‘restroom’.  Interpretation, understanding and need clearly had not joined up as quickly as my bursting 6 year old might have liked!

What I’ve learned this week

Nobody in a civilised democracy should be killed just for doing their job
A film doesn't have to be a great to cause an international incident
The Diggers could do with a couple of chairs
Family hugs are the best
Its important to rest!

As always, any thoughts or comments are always appreciated.  That’s me now until after Christmas.  What ever your beliefs, I sincerely hope you and yours have a safe, reading and happy Festive.

Take care and Merry Christmas



  1. Another great piece. If I was a clairvoyant I would suggest that you miss the diggers. Have a great Christmas and don't forget to rest on time. Dtr


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